March 30, 2024

My Journey With High Ticket E-Commerce

Brook here,

Wanted to stop by to share a little bit about my journey over the last 2 years.

Most people see me as a 28-year-old kid with millions of dollars living in Dubai, traveling the world, wearing nice watches, and living the life that most people can only dream of. While that may be the case, it was not always this way and it did NOT happen overnight.

I grew up in a middle-class family in a small town in Southwestern Ontario with a population of 60,000 people called St. Thomas, Ontario. My earliest years were spent playing high-level hockey until that dream was halted due to concussions.

I then decided to jump into Law School. If I wasn’t going to be a professional hockey player at least becoming a lawyer would give me a “good” salary and a decent job. But, I always wanted to start a business and I knew sitting in a law firm cubicle for the next 30 years was not for me.

I tried EVERY online business model just throwing everything at the wall until something stuck.

I tried low-ticket drop shipping and failed 12 times. Yes, I had 12 stores selling everything from lava lamps to alarm clocks and nothing was working. Looking back now, I know why. Nobody wanted to buy the junk I was selling.

Then it hit me… “why don’t I sell expensive products manufactured by name brands to people already looking to buy them? I will make a lot of money, the products have built-in demand, and nobody else is doing this.”

The best part about this entire story is; being that nobody else in the space was doing this… I had to teach myself EVERYTHING about this business model with no guidance or mentorship.

From day 1 I had to learn (completely on my own):

  • Business setup
  • Product research
  • Supplier Outreach
  • Shopify store setup
  • SEO
  • Google Ads
  • Sales
  • Hiring and Delegating
  • Scaling

Although it was not easy, was it ever worth it…

In my first month, I did $30,000
In my second I did $150,000
In my third $250,000
After realizing that I was onto something… I dropped out of law school with 1 month remaining until graduation.

Now, I had my back against the wall. I had no fallback plan. No degree to fall back on. All my eggs were in the High Ticket E-Commerce basket.

Of course, I had some fears, but I hurdled them with ease because I knew that I was going to make it work. I knew I wanted to be a business owner and live life on my own terms. Nothing was going to stop me from making that happen.

Thankfully my intuition and gut feeling were leading me down the right path.

Now I’m here:

Dropped out of law school
Moved to Dubai
Retired my mom
Retired my fiancee
Over $10M in revenue in 2 years of online business
Living the life of my dreams

Not only was I able to completely change my life with this business model. My team and I have helped hundreds of others replace their income and follow the same path that I forged.

I would be crazy not to share this with the world. The saying might be a little bit overused in the online money space. But, I truly mean it when I say: If I can do it, so can you.

I can’t wait to have you on board. The day you decide to jump into this is the same day that your life will truly change forever.

Not only will my team and I show you the ropes, but we will gladly hold your hand from the minute you join us until you’re making enough money to replace your income entirely.

Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.


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