Law School
While attending my second year of law school at Queen's University I had the terrifying realization that I didn't want to be a lawyer. I didn't enjoy the work enough to want to do it for the rest of my life. And I realized that even if I worked my ass off, I wouldn't actually make the amount of money that would give me he freedom I wanted.
And I was $170,000+ in debt.

Low Ticket Dropshipping
I was desperate to do something different than law and I figured dropshipping seemed like a good idea. I bought a $3,000 course.
And it was terrible. But instead of giving up, I decided to put the little I had just learned to use.

13 Failed Stores
That's right. My first 13 stores failed. I tried selling everything. LED Lamps, pet items and even toilet bowl cleaners. Nothing worked. And while I sank further into debt, I was getting clarity into the realization that would change my life.

On the heels of my failed low ticket ventures, I decided to fundamentally change my approach and came up with High Ticket E-Commerce. I would only sell the best products, from the best suppliers, and focus on $3,000 and up transactions.
It worked immediately. My second month I generated $170,000 in revenue. And $300,000 in revenue the month after that. In my first year I did over $4,600,000 in revenue.

Teaching Others
Even though I was making tons of money with my store, I wanted to find a way to give back. I started offering my consulting services to anyone who would listen. I would teach them how to build a High Ticket e-commerce store that generated $10,000 a month in profit within 6 months or their money back.
And my students crushed it. And I realized I had found a true calling. A way of bringing prosperity and happiness to anyone who would put in the work.

Explosive Growth
With my early students experiencing success they could never have dreamed of, we ramped up High Ticket E-Commerce.
We brought on the best students as coaches to provide 1:1 mentorship to students and we revised the course to incorporate the lessons learned by hundreds of successful case studies.