May 29, 2024

12 Profitable High-Ticket Dropshipping Products to Sell in 2024

12 Profitable High-Ticket Dropshipping Products to Sell in 2024

When you first start dropshipping, you have a choice – focus on cheaper low-ticket items or go down the high-ticket route. You’ll sell fewer products with the latter because what you’re selling is more expensive. But there’s a huge upside:

You’ll make more with every sale.

In fact, a 30% margin on a high-ticket item can easily surpass a 50% margin on a low-ticket product. Heck, you might even find that margin is so high – in pure dollar terms – that you’d have to sell several low-ticket items to match it. 

That’s what makes high-ticket dropshipping so great – you sell fewer products but you make more because you’re delivering luxury to your customers. So, how about learning a little more about what it means to go High Ticket and the types of products you should sell?

Understanding High Ticket Dropshipping

Success can’t come without understanding, so let’s dig into what high-ticket dropshipping is all about.

What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?

On the face of it, a high-ticket dropshipping business isn’t all that different from the low-ticket business. You’re still setting up an online storefront, finding suppliers for products, and acting as the middleman between those suppliers and your customers.

The mechanics stay the same.

It’s the products that differ.

With high-ticket dropshipping, you have your feet set firmly in the luxury end of the market. That usually means selling products for several hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars apiece. This isn’t selling a few cheap plastic trinkets for a couple of bucks each. Your high-ticket products are extremely valuable to a specific niche, meaning you’re going to charge more when selling them.

Benefits of High Ticket Dropshipping

You’ve already seen one of the benefits of dropshipping at the high-ticket end of the spectrum – you sell your products for more money, which means you generate a larger profit per sale. Even if your margin isn’t as high – in terms of percentage – as it would be with a low-ticket item, you’ll still make more money as long as you have the right supplier and find your product’s audience.

But a high-profit margin isn’t the only benefit.

Beyond more profitable products, you’ll also enjoy the following:

  • Fewer Customer Service Issues: This is a double-threat benefit. You get fewer issues with customers because you don’t have as many of them as you would with low-ticket items. The high-ticket approach is about quality over volume of sales. Then, there’s the supplier side of things – your product is built to a higher standard, reducing the risk of complaints.

  • Less Competition: About 27% of the 26.5 million ecommerce stores in the world use dropshipping as their fulfilment method. That’s a lot of competition – numbers you don’t have to worry about when you go high-ticket. Most drop shippers focus on selling cheap products in high volumes to make money. A high-ticket dropshipper rises above that melee to sell luxury goods with fewer competitors.

Criteria for Choosing High Ticket Dropshipping Products

Calling yourself a high-ticket dropshipper and actually being one are two different things – your product choices are what really make you high-ticket.

Factors to Consider

Landing a high-ticket product is about balance – you need in-demand products for which other sellers aren’t flooding the market. So, there are some factors to consider when making your choice, with these three being the most vital.

Factor 1: Profit Margins

If you’re not making a healthy margin, you shouldn’t sell the product. That’s true at all levels of dropshipping, but tracking your profit margin is even more important at the high-ticket end. You’re going to spend more on your product. That’s a given – it’s of extremely high quality. The trick is to make sure that what you can charge for that product is enough to give you a healthy margin of at least 30%.

Factor 2: Demand

This is basic supply and demand economics – if nobody wants the thing you’re selling, quality doesn’t matter. Nobody’s going to buy it. Analyzing the market is your friend here, as you need to identify a niche, an audience to fill that niche, and a product that offers what that audience wants.

Factor 3: Supplier Reliability

Finding the right dropshipping supplier is the biggest hassle you’ll face when you start selling high-ticket products – 80% of dropshippers say it’s the biggest obstacle in the biz. Take your time here. Research every potential supplier, checking reviews from dropshippers along the way. And never jump straight into selling a new supplier’s product. Always test it first – have them deliver the product to you so you can check it’s as high-ticket as your audience needs it to be.

Identifying Profitable Niches

There are two useful approaches for picking a dropshipping niche:

  • Look at what you know and use

  • Look for niches outside your scope of expertise

On the knowledge side, is there a niche that you’re already in? Maybe you like nice watches, for instance. You know there’s demand – you’re even part of that demand – and you understand what a customer wants out of a watch. Voila – you have a niche and you have a base of understanding that helps you to jump in.

Looking outside your scope of expertise is a little harder, but it can be key to finding a profitable niche. Your tool of choice here? Google Trends – toss a keyword in and it’ll show you data like search volume and related queries, broken down by regions if you need it, to see if there’s enough interest in a topic to justify creating a product around it.

Top 12 High Ticket Dropshipping Products for 2024

Let’s drop a little caveat before we start looking at products – even though you’re going to see a lot of potential in the 12 products on this list, you still need to do your research first. Find the right supplier and make sure the market exists in your location before you move ahead.

With that being said, these are the 12 high-ticket products for 2024.

1 – Luxury Watches

Why are luxury watches the products to sell in 2024?

There are very few high-ticket items that come close to this one’s market size. The sector is already worth $53.69 billion as of 2024, and it’s only going to go up from there. A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.17% between now and 2032 means the luxury watch market will be worth $134.53 billion in eight years.

Offer a timepiece that catches fire and you’ll get a big slice of that market.

2 – High-End Home Appliances

Home appliances – think freezers, ovens, and dishwashers – is another growth market. A CAGR of 4.86% between 2024 and 2028 is going to put its market size at around $810 billion. That’s huge, with a dropshipper having the ability to find these types of high ticket dropshipping products relatively cheaply and make big money by branding them at the high-ticket end of the spectrum.

3 – Premium Furniture

Maybe you’re already starting to see a trend with these product choices:

They’re all in luxury growth sectors. On the furniture front, the premium furniture market is going to see 4.76% annual growth between 2024 and 2028. The market value at the end of that growth? About $38.8 billion. A great product with a high-profit margin for your dropshipping store.

4 – High-End Electronics

Think of the high-end electronics sector as being a sister product line to home appliances – if you can carve out a niche in one, you have a great foundation for succeeding in the other. Everybody buys consumer electronics – it’ll be a $1.17 trillion market by 2028 – so delivering something that fits a niche and has an air of luxury about it makes this a great high-ticket choice for profitable dropshipping.

5 – Designer Handbags

Asian markets make up your biggest audience in the designer handbag space. Almost a third of Indonesians – 28% – say they have plans to buy a designer bag. Hong Kong isn’t far behind (24%), and 18% of Chinese consumers say they want a fancy bag.

You know what that means – a big niche market opening up for dropshipping products that have a high-profit margin.

6 – Fitness Equipment

Being in shape is important to people. A lot of people. So important, that around three-quarters of Americans say that they believe being fit and looking good is important, with almost as many saying they judge themselves for being “fat.”

That alone is proof that there’s a market for fitness equipment, making this one of the great high-ticket products to sell in 2024.

7 – Outdoor Furniture

Get a foothold in the luxury furniture market and you’re in perfect position to create an outdoor furniture range. And there’s a definite market for it – with a CAGR of 5.45% between 2024 and 2032, this market is going to be worth about $81 billion in eight years. Think of these as a little sub-niche for dropshipping that can align with other high-ticket products.

8 – Electric Bikes and Scooters

You can look at data from the U.K.’s University of Brighton to see the demand for these products:

Over a third of survey participants – 38% – say they want to cycle more, with 70% of that segment saying they’d be interested in getting electric bikes. Throw electric scooters into the mix and you have a high-ticket dropshipping product that appeals to children, too.

9 – Luxury Bedding

Is there anything better than being wrapped up in comfortable sheets when you climb into bed? If you feel that way, you have to know there’s a market out there for luxury bedding. A big one, in fact – the luxury bedding market is growing at a rate of 2.4% per year and will hit $2.7 billion in value by 2027, making these great high-ticket products to dropship.

10 – High-End Kitchenware

Boring kitchenware isn’t going to cut it for people who’ve already bought your high-end appliances, right? So, you’re going to see some synergy here, as you can offer these types of products as part of a wider kitchen brand. You’ll be joining a market valued at $17.19 billion in 2024 if you do.

Stick to high-end kitchenware and you set yourself apart with products to dropship that are definitively high-ticket.

11 – Smart Home Devices

Smart speakers, light switches, and any number of other little smart home devices that make home life more fun fall into a high-ticket niche that’s just waiting for you. It’s a big one, too, as the global market hit $140 billion in 2023 and is only going to get larger from there. Heck, it’s already doubling in 2024 alone – a recipe for profitable dropshipping.

12 – Advanced Health and Wellness Products

The best high-ticket products are saved until last. Get some fitness trackers, massage chairs, and similar health and wellness products in your dropshipping store and you’re entering a huge market.

A market that was worth $4.3 trillion in 2020 and is going to hit $7 trillion by 2025.

Tips for Successfully Dropshipping High Ticket Products

You have your product, or maybe even a few of them. Awesome! But a product left alone doesn’t sell – you need to make sure your buyers know about it.

Building Trust With Customers

Three or fewer negative experiences.

That’s all it takes for 73% of customers to ghost a brand forever, which shows you the importance of nailing the trust aspect with customers. As soon as you lose that trust, it’s gone forever – somebody else is going to be selling to them from now on. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you need the two building blocks of creating the trust necessary for a successful dropshipping business.

  • Amazing Customer Service: The best thing about the dropshipping model is that all of the manufacturing, storage, and delivery aspects are taken out of your hands. That gives you more time – a resource you should dedicate to customer service. Understand that issues with your products will occasionally arise and that you need to handle those issues directly to keep (or restore) a customer’s trust.

  • Transparency: No matter where your customers look on your ecommerce site, they need to see signs of a transparent business. Clear terms of service. No messing around when it comes to shipping info and the cost of products. Even small signals – such as having a legit phone number and email address for customer queries – feed into building trust.

Marketing High Ticket Products

You need marketing strategies to attract customers to your high-ticket products. That’s a given, but the question is which channels should you be using.

A lot of that is dependent on your product, though there’s one channel that delivers consistent results across the board:

Google Ads.

Back in 2009, Google itself estimated that the right Google Ad could deliver $2 for every $1 you spent. That’s changed. It’s now closer to $8 per $1 spent because the people who click on Google Ads have high buying intent. They already have their cash ready – you just need to make sure they see you first so it’s your business that gets the cash.

As for other marketing channels, social media is always your friend. But you have to pick and choose your platforms. A visual product is always going to do better on Instagram or TikTok than it will on LinkedIn, for instance, especially if you can shoot videos of the product. But something like a course or a product designed for business use should go with a more formal platform – LinkedIn and Facebook can both work there.

Solid Niche + Industry Growth = High-Ticket Dropshipping Success

Keep that formula in mind whenever you’re researching a high-ticket dropshipping product. You’re looking for growth within a niche – all 12 of the products in this article have it – because that growth indicates a strong market that’s ready for your products.

You just need to get your foot in the door of that market. 

That’s where comes in – from launching a store to making sure you find the right high-ticket items, we deliver the one-to-one training and expertise you need. It’s about fast-tracking your success without skipping over the essentials. Give us 24 weeks of your time and we’ll give you everything you need to know to go high-ticket.

When you first start dropshipping, you have a choice – focus on cheaper low-ticket items or go down the high-ticket route. You’ll sell fewer products with the latter because what you’re selling is more expensive. But there’s a huge upside:

You’ll make more with every sale.

In fact, a 30% margin on a high-ticket item can easily surpass a 50% margin on a low-ticket product. Heck, you might even find that margin is so high – in pure dollar terms – that you’d have to sell several low-ticket items to match it. 

That’s what makes high-ticket dropshipping so great – you sell fewer products but you make more because you’re delivering luxury to your customers. So, how about learning a little more about what it means to go High Ticket and the types of products you should sell?

Understanding High Ticket Dropshipping

Success can’t come without understanding, so let’s dig into what high-ticket dropshipping is all about.

What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?

On the face of it, a high-ticket dropshipping business isn’t all that different from the low-ticket business. You’re still setting up an online storefront, finding suppliers for products, and acting as the middleman between those suppliers and your customers.

The mechanics stay the same.

It’s the products that differ.

With high-ticket dropshipping, you have your feet set firmly in the luxury end of the market. That usually means selling products for several hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars apiece. This isn’t selling a few cheap plastic trinkets for a couple of bucks each. Your high-ticket products are extremely valuable to a specific niche, meaning you’re going to charge more when selling them.

Benefits of High Ticket Dropshipping

You’ve already seen one of the benefits of dropshipping at the high-ticket end of the spectrum – you sell your products for more money, which means you generate a larger profit per sale. Even if your margin isn’t as high – in terms of percentage – as it would be with a low-ticket item, you’ll still make more money as long as you have the right supplier and find your product’s audience.

But a high-profit margin isn’t the only benefit.

Beyond more profitable products, you’ll also enjoy the following:

  • Fewer Customer Service Issues: This is a double-threat benefit. You get fewer issues with customers because you don’t have as many of them as you would with low-ticket items. The high-ticket approach is about quality over volume of sales. Then, there’s the supplier side of things – your product is built to a higher standard, reducing the risk of complaints.

  • Less Competition: About 27% of the 26.5 million ecommerce stores in the world use dropshipping as their fulfilment method. That’s a lot of competition – numbers you don’t have to worry about when you go high-ticket. Most drop shippers focus on selling cheap products in high volumes to make money. A high-ticket dropshipper rises above that melee to sell luxury goods with fewer competitors.

Criteria for Choosing High Ticket Dropshipping Products

Calling yourself a high-ticket dropshipper and actually being one are two different things – your product choices are what really make you high-ticket.

Factors to Consider

Landing a high-ticket product is about balance – you need in-demand products for which other sellers aren’t flooding the market. So, there are some factors to consider when making your choice, with these three being the most vital.

Factor 1: Profit Margins

If you’re not making a healthy margin, you shouldn’t sell the product. That’s true at all levels of dropshipping, but tracking your profit margin is even more important at the high-ticket end. You’re going to spend more on your product. That’s a given – it’s of extremely high quality. The trick is to make sure that what you can charge for that product is enough to give you a healthy margin of at least 30%.

Factor 2: Demand

This is basic supply and demand economics – if nobody wants the thing you’re selling, quality doesn’t matter. Nobody’s going to buy it. Analyzing the market is your friend here, as you need to identify a niche, an audience to fill that niche, and a product that offers what that audience wants.

Factor 3: Supplier Reliability

Finding the right dropshipping supplier is the biggest hassle you’ll face when you start selling high-ticket products – 80% of dropshippers say it’s the biggest obstacle in the biz. Take your time here. Research every potential supplier, checking reviews from dropshippers along the way. And never jump straight into selling a new supplier’s product. Always test it first – have them deliver the product to you so you can check it’s as high-ticket as your audience needs it to be.

Identifying Profitable Niches

There are two useful approaches for picking a dropshipping niche:

  • Look at what you know and use

  • Look for niches outside your scope of expertise

On the knowledge side, is there a niche that you’re already in? Maybe you like nice watches, for instance. You know there’s demand – you’re even part of that demand – and you understand what a customer wants out of a watch. Voila – you have a niche and you have a base of understanding that helps you to jump in.

Looking outside your scope of expertise is a little harder, but it can be key to finding a profitable niche. Your tool of choice here? Google Trends – toss a keyword in and it’ll show you data like search volume and related queries, broken down by regions if you need it, to see if there’s enough interest in a topic to justify creating a product around it.

Top 12 High Ticket Dropshipping Products for 2024

Let’s drop a little caveat before we start looking at products – even though you’re going to see a lot of potential in the 12 products on this list, you still need to do your research first. Find the right supplier and make sure the market exists in your location before you move ahead.

With that being said, these are the 12 high-ticket products for 2024.

1 – Luxury Watches

Why are luxury watches the products to sell in 2024?

There are very few high-ticket items that come close to this one’s market size. The sector is already worth $53.69 billion as of 2024, and it’s only going to go up from there. A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.17% between now and 2032 means the luxury watch market will be worth $134.53 billion in eight years.

Offer a timepiece that catches fire and you’ll get a big slice of that market.

2 – High-End Home Appliances

Home appliances – think freezers, ovens, and dishwashers – is another growth market. A CAGR of 4.86% between 2024 and 2028 is going to put its market size at around $810 billion. That’s huge, with a dropshipper having the ability to find these types of high ticket dropshipping products relatively cheaply and make big money by branding them at the high-ticket end of the spectrum.

3 – Premium Furniture

Maybe you’re already starting to see a trend with these product choices:

They’re all in luxury growth sectors. On the furniture front, the premium furniture market is going to see 4.76% annual growth between 2024 and 2028. The market value at the end of that growth? About $38.8 billion. A great product with a high-profit margin for your dropshipping store.

4 – High-End Electronics

Think of the high-end electronics sector as being a sister product line to home appliances – if you can carve out a niche in one, you have a great foundation for succeeding in the other. Everybody buys consumer electronics – it’ll be a $1.17 trillion market by 2028 – so delivering something that fits a niche and has an air of luxury about it makes this a great high-ticket choice for profitable dropshipping.

5 – Designer Handbags

Asian markets make up your biggest audience in the designer handbag space. Almost a third of Indonesians – 28% – say they have plans to buy a designer bag. Hong Kong isn’t far behind (24%), and 18% of Chinese consumers say they want a fancy bag.

You know what that means – a big niche market opening up for dropshipping products that have a high-profit margin.

6 – Fitness Equipment

Being in shape is important to people. A lot of people. So important, that around three-quarters of Americans say that they believe being fit and looking good is important, with almost as many saying they judge themselves for being “fat.”

That alone is proof that there’s a market for fitness equipment, making this one of the great high-ticket products to sell in 2024.

7 – Outdoor Furniture

Get a foothold in the luxury furniture market and you’re in perfect position to create an outdoor furniture range. And there’s a definite market for it – with a CAGR of 5.45% between 2024 and 2032, this market is going to be worth about $81 billion in eight years. Think of these as a little sub-niche for dropshipping that can align with other high-ticket products.

8 – Electric Bikes and Scooters

You can look at data from the U.K.’s University of Brighton to see the demand for these products:

Over a third of survey participants – 38% – say they want to cycle more, with 70% of that segment saying they’d be interested in getting electric bikes. Throw electric scooters into the mix and you have a high-ticket dropshipping product that appeals to children, too.

9 – Luxury Bedding

Is there anything better than being wrapped up in comfortable sheets when you climb into bed? If you feel that way, you have to know there’s a market out there for luxury bedding. A big one, in fact – the luxury bedding market is growing at a rate of 2.4% per year and will hit $2.7 billion in value by 2027, making these great high-ticket products to dropship.

10 – High-End Kitchenware

Boring kitchenware isn’t going to cut it for people who’ve already bought your high-end appliances, right? So, you’re going to see some synergy here, as you can offer these types of products as part of a wider kitchen brand. You’ll be joining a market valued at $17.19 billion in 2024 if you do.

Stick to high-end kitchenware and you set yourself apart with products to dropship that are definitively high-ticket.

11 – Smart Home Devices

Smart speakers, light switches, and any number of other little smart home devices that make home life more fun fall into a high-ticket niche that’s just waiting for you. It’s a big one, too, as the global market hit $140 billion in 2023 and is only going to get larger from there. Heck, it’s already doubling in 2024 alone – a recipe for profitable dropshipping.

12 – Advanced Health and Wellness Products

The best high-ticket products are saved until last. Get some fitness trackers, massage chairs, and similar health and wellness products in your dropshipping store and you’re entering a huge market.

A market that was worth $4.3 trillion in 2020 and is going to hit $7 trillion by 2025.

Tips for Successfully Dropshipping High Ticket Products

You have your product, or maybe even a few of them. Awesome! But a product left alone doesn’t sell – you need to make sure your buyers know about it.

Building Trust With Customers

Three or fewer negative experiences.

That’s all it takes for 73% of customers to ghost a brand forever, which shows you the importance of nailing the trust aspect with customers. As soon as you lose that trust, it’s gone forever – somebody else is going to be selling to them from now on. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you need the two building blocks of creating the trust necessary for a successful dropshipping business.

  • Amazing Customer Service: The best thing about the dropshipping model is that all of the manufacturing, storage, and delivery aspects are taken out of your hands. That gives you more time – a resource you should dedicate to customer service. Understand that issues with your products will occasionally arise and that you need to handle those issues directly to keep (or restore) a customer’s trust.

  • Transparency: No matter where your customers look on your ecommerce site, they need to see signs of a transparent business. Clear terms of service. No messing around when it comes to shipping info and the cost of products. Even small signals – such as having a legit phone number and email address for customer queries – feed into building trust.

Marketing High Ticket Products

You need marketing strategies to attract customers to your high-ticket products. That’s a given, but the question is which channels should you be using.

A lot of that is dependent on your product, though there’s one channel that delivers consistent results across the board:

Google Ads.

Back in 2009, Google itself estimated that the right Google Ad could deliver $2 for every $1 you spent. That’s changed. It’s now closer to $8 per $1 spent because the people who click on Google Ads have high buying intent. They already have their cash ready – you just need to make sure they see you first so it’s your business that gets the cash.

As for other marketing channels, social media is always your friend. But you have to pick and choose your platforms. A visual product is always going to do better on Instagram or TikTok than it will on LinkedIn, for instance, especially if you can shoot videos of the product. But something like a course or a product designed for business use should go with a more formal platform – LinkedIn and Facebook can both work there.

Solid Niche + Industry Growth = High-Ticket Dropshipping Success

Keep that formula in mind whenever you’re researching a high-ticket dropshipping product. You’re looking for growth within a niche – all 12 of the products in this article have it – because that growth indicates a strong market that’s ready for your products.

You just need to get your foot in the door of that market. 

That’s where comes in – from launching a store to making sure you find the right high-ticket items, we deliver the one-to-one training and expertise you need. It’s about fast-tracking your success without skipping over the essentials. Give us 24 weeks of your time and we’ll give you everything you need to know to go high-ticket.

When you first start dropshipping, you have a choice – focus on cheaper low-ticket items or go down the high-ticket route. You’ll sell fewer products with the latter because what you’re selling is more expensive. But there’s a huge upside:

You’ll make more with every sale.

In fact, a 30% margin on a high-ticket item can easily surpass a 50% margin on a low-ticket product. Heck, you might even find that margin is so high – in pure dollar terms – that you’d have to sell several low-ticket items to match it. 

That’s what makes high-ticket dropshipping so great – you sell fewer products but you make more because you’re delivering luxury to your customers. So, how about learning a little more about what it means to go High Ticket and the types of products you should sell?

Understanding High Ticket Dropshipping

Success can’t come without understanding, so let’s dig into what high-ticket dropshipping is all about.

What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?

On the face of it, a high-ticket dropshipping business isn’t all that different from the low-ticket business. You’re still setting up an online storefront, finding suppliers for products, and acting as the middleman between those suppliers and your customers.

The mechanics stay the same.

It’s the products that differ.

With high-ticket dropshipping, you have your feet set firmly in the luxury end of the market. That usually means selling products for several hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars apiece. This isn’t selling a few cheap plastic trinkets for a couple of bucks each. Your high-ticket products are extremely valuable to a specific niche, meaning you’re going to charge more when selling them.

Benefits of High Ticket Dropshipping

You’ve already seen one of the benefits of dropshipping at the high-ticket end of the spectrum – you sell your products for more money, which means you generate a larger profit per sale. Even if your margin isn’t as high – in terms of percentage – as it would be with a low-ticket item, you’ll still make more money as long as you have the right supplier and find your product’s audience.

But a high-profit margin isn’t the only benefit.

Beyond more profitable products, you’ll also enjoy the following:

  • Fewer Customer Service Issues: This is a double-threat benefit. You get fewer issues with customers because you don’t have as many of them as you would with low-ticket items. The high-ticket approach is about quality over volume of sales. Then, there’s the supplier side of things – your product is built to a higher standard, reducing the risk of complaints.

  • Less Competition: About 27% of the 26.5 million ecommerce stores in the world use dropshipping as their fulfilment method. That’s a lot of competition – numbers you don’t have to worry about when you go high-ticket. Most drop shippers focus on selling cheap products in high volumes to make money. A high-ticket dropshipper rises above that melee to sell luxury goods with fewer competitors.

Criteria for Choosing High Ticket Dropshipping Products

Calling yourself a high-ticket dropshipper and actually being one are two different things – your product choices are what really make you high-ticket.

Factors to Consider

Landing a high-ticket product is about balance – you need in-demand products for which other sellers aren’t flooding the market. So, there are some factors to consider when making your choice, with these three being the most vital.

Factor 1: Profit Margins

If you’re not making a healthy margin, you shouldn’t sell the product. That’s true at all levels of dropshipping, but tracking your profit margin is even more important at the high-ticket end. You’re going to spend more on your product. That’s a given – it’s of extremely high quality. The trick is to make sure that what you can charge for that product is enough to give you a healthy margin of at least 30%.

Factor 2: Demand

This is basic supply and demand economics – if nobody wants the thing you’re selling, quality doesn’t matter. Nobody’s going to buy it. Analyzing the market is your friend here, as you need to identify a niche, an audience to fill that niche, and a product that offers what that audience wants.

Factor 3: Supplier Reliability

Finding the right dropshipping supplier is the biggest hassle you’ll face when you start selling high-ticket products – 80% of dropshippers say it’s the biggest obstacle in the biz. Take your time here. Research every potential supplier, checking reviews from dropshippers along the way. And never jump straight into selling a new supplier’s product. Always test it first – have them deliver the product to you so you can check it’s as high-ticket as your audience needs it to be.

Identifying Profitable Niches

There are two useful approaches for picking a dropshipping niche:

  • Look at what you know and use

  • Look for niches outside your scope of expertise

On the knowledge side, is there a niche that you’re already in? Maybe you like nice watches, for instance. You know there’s demand – you’re even part of that demand – and you understand what a customer wants out of a watch. Voila – you have a niche and you have a base of understanding that helps you to jump in.

Looking outside your scope of expertise is a little harder, but it can be key to finding a profitable niche. Your tool of choice here? Google Trends – toss a keyword in and it’ll show you data like search volume and related queries, broken down by regions if you need it, to see if there’s enough interest in a topic to justify creating a product around it.

Top 12 High Ticket Dropshipping Products for 2024

Let’s drop a little caveat before we start looking at products – even though you’re going to see a lot of potential in the 12 products on this list, you still need to do your research first. Find the right supplier and make sure the market exists in your location before you move ahead.

With that being said, these are the 12 high-ticket products for 2024.

1 – Luxury Watches

Why are luxury watches the products to sell in 2024?

There are very few high-ticket items that come close to this one’s market size. The sector is already worth $53.69 billion as of 2024, and it’s only going to go up from there. A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.17% between now and 2032 means the luxury watch market will be worth $134.53 billion in eight years.

Offer a timepiece that catches fire and you’ll get a big slice of that market.

2 – High-End Home Appliances

Home appliances – think freezers, ovens, and dishwashers – is another growth market. A CAGR of 4.86% between 2024 and 2028 is going to put its market size at around $810 billion. That’s huge, with a dropshipper having the ability to find these types of high ticket dropshipping products relatively cheaply and make big money by branding them at the high-ticket end of the spectrum.

3 – Premium Furniture

Maybe you’re already starting to see a trend with these product choices:

They’re all in luxury growth sectors. On the furniture front, the premium furniture market is going to see 4.76% annual growth between 2024 and 2028. The market value at the end of that growth? About $38.8 billion. A great product with a high-profit margin for your dropshipping store.

4 – High-End Electronics

Think of the high-end electronics sector as being a sister product line to home appliances – if you can carve out a niche in one, you have a great foundation for succeeding in the other. Everybody buys consumer electronics – it’ll be a $1.17 trillion market by 2028 – so delivering something that fits a niche and has an air of luxury about it makes this a great high-ticket choice for profitable dropshipping.

5 – Designer Handbags

Asian markets make up your biggest audience in the designer handbag space. Almost a third of Indonesians – 28% – say they have plans to buy a designer bag. Hong Kong isn’t far behind (24%), and 18% of Chinese consumers say they want a fancy bag.

You know what that means – a big niche market opening up for dropshipping products that have a high-profit margin.

6 – Fitness Equipment

Being in shape is important to people. A lot of people. So important, that around three-quarters of Americans say that they believe being fit and looking good is important, with almost as many saying they judge themselves for being “fat.”

That alone is proof that there’s a market for fitness equipment, making this one of the great high-ticket products to sell in 2024.

7 – Outdoor Furniture

Get a foothold in the luxury furniture market and you’re in perfect position to create an outdoor furniture range. And there’s a definite market for it – with a CAGR of 5.45% between 2024 and 2032, this market is going to be worth about $81 billion in eight years. Think of these as a little sub-niche for dropshipping that can align with other high-ticket products.

8 – Electric Bikes and Scooters

You can look at data from the U.K.’s University of Brighton to see the demand for these products:

Over a third of survey participants – 38% – say they want to cycle more, with 70% of that segment saying they’d be interested in getting electric bikes. Throw electric scooters into the mix and you have a high-ticket dropshipping product that appeals to children, too.

9 – Luxury Bedding

Is there anything better than being wrapped up in comfortable sheets when you climb into bed? If you feel that way, you have to know there’s a market out there for luxury bedding. A big one, in fact – the luxury bedding market is growing at a rate of 2.4% per year and will hit $2.7 billion in value by 2027, making these great high-ticket products to dropship.

10 – High-End Kitchenware

Boring kitchenware isn’t going to cut it for people who’ve already bought your high-end appliances, right? So, you’re going to see some synergy here, as you can offer these types of products as part of a wider kitchen brand. You’ll be joining a market valued at $17.19 billion in 2024 if you do.

Stick to high-end kitchenware and you set yourself apart with products to dropship that are definitively high-ticket.

11 – Smart Home Devices

Smart speakers, light switches, and any number of other little smart home devices that make home life more fun fall into a high-ticket niche that’s just waiting for you. It’s a big one, too, as the global market hit $140 billion in 2023 and is only going to get larger from there. Heck, it’s already doubling in 2024 alone – a recipe for profitable dropshipping.

12 – Advanced Health and Wellness Products

The best high-ticket products are saved until last. Get some fitness trackers, massage chairs, and similar health and wellness products in your dropshipping store and you’re entering a huge market.

A market that was worth $4.3 trillion in 2020 and is going to hit $7 trillion by 2025.

Tips for Successfully Dropshipping High Ticket Products

You have your product, or maybe even a few of them. Awesome! But a product left alone doesn’t sell – you need to make sure your buyers know about it.

Building Trust With Customers

Three or fewer negative experiences.

That’s all it takes for 73% of customers to ghost a brand forever, which shows you the importance of nailing the trust aspect with customers. As soon as you lose that trust, it’s gone forever – somebody else is going to be selling to them from now on. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you need the two building blocks of creating the trust necessary for a successful dropshipping business.

  • Amazing Customer Service: The best thing about the dropshipping model is that all of the manufacturing, storage, and delivery aspects are taken out of your hands. That gives you more time – a resource you should dedicate to customer service. Understand that issues with your products will occasionally arise and that you need to handle those issues directly to keep (or restore) a customer’s trust.

  • Transparency: No matter where your customers look on your ecommerce site, they need to see signs of a transparent business. Clear terms of service. No messing around when it comes to shipping info and the cost of products. Even small signals – such as having a legit phone number and email address for customer queries – feed into building trust.

Marketing High Ticket Products

You need marketing strategies to attract customers to your high-ticket products. That’s a given, but the question is which channels should you be using.

A lot of that is dependent on your product, though there’s one channel that delivers consistent results across the board:

Google Ads.

Back in 2009, Google itself estimated that the right Google Ad could deliver $2 for every $1 you spent. That’s changed. It’s now closer to $8 per $1 spent because the people who click on Google Ads have high buying intent. They already have their cash ready – you just need to make sure they see you first so it’s your business that gets the cash.

As for other marketing channels, social media is always your friend. But you have to pick and choose your platforms. A visual product is always going to do better on Instagram or TikTok than it will on LinkedIn, for instance, especially if you can shoot videos of the product. But something like a course or a product designed for business use should go with a more formal platform – LinkedIn and Facebook can both work there.

Solid Niche + Industry Growth = High-Ticket Dropshipping Success

Keep that formula in mind whenever you’re researching a high-ticket dropshipping product. You’re looking for growth within a niche – all 12 of the products in this article have it – because that growth indicates a strong market that’s ready for your products.

You just need to get your foot in the door of that market. 

That’s where comes in – from launching a store to making sure you find the right high-ticket items, we deliver the one-to-one training and expertise you need. It’s about fast-tracking your success without skipping over the essentials. Give us 24 weeks of your time and we’ll give you everything you need to know to go high-ticket.

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*Disclosure: All testimonials shown are real but do not claim to represent typical results. Any success depends on many variables which are unique to each individual, including commitment and effort. Testimonial results are meant to demonstrate what the most dedicated students have done and should not be considered average. makes no guarantee of any financial gain from the use of its products.

*Disclosure: All testimonials shown are real but do not claim to represent typical results. Any success depends on many variables which are unique to each individual, including commitment and effort. Testimonial results are meant to demonstrate what the most dedicated students have done and should not be considered average. makes no guarantee of any financial gain from the use of its products.

*Disclosure: All testimonials shown are real but do not claim to represent typical results. Any success depends on many variables which are unique to each individual, including commitment and effort. Testimonial results are meant to demonstrate what the most dedicated students have done and should not be considered average. makes no guarantee of any financial gain from the use of its products.